Neil's Paragliding Blog

Hi. This is my paragliding blog. I'm using it primarily to record the details of my flights and keep an online record of my training and experiences. Hope you don't find it too boring, I'll try and upload some nice pictures whenever I can to make it seem a bit more interesting.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The end of my Bulgarian experience.

After a long drive the previous night we got up early to hopefully get some top landing done in Varna. We went to the site, which had a nice open hill in facing the sea. We ground handled for a while while we waited for the sea breeze to kick in. It was another roasting day! After about an hour or so it looked good for us to walk up the hill to try some top landings, but a thunder cloud moved in a the rain started. Actually I was kind of relieved as I had been feeling a bit rough. I think I had eaten something a bit dodgy and had been out in the sun too long and was more than happy just to chill out in the shade.

We decided to get in the van an go to some other sites and have a look around. We went to an old historical site, I MUST get the name! It was a big rock that stuck out into the sea that had an old fortress on it. I think it was once the home of Alexander, but my history sucks so I could be wrong. Nicky considered doing some cliff soaring there, but again, I thought he was nuts! There were power lines only a few meters back from the take off/landing site. He says the conditions were 'survivable'!

But we eventually drove to another site on the coast where Nicky and Zab did do some cliff soaring. I went and explored the coast and did a bit of rockclimbing. I even saw a small snake it was very cool!

Afterwards we went back to the hotel and prepared for the long trip home. I was very sad to think about leaving Bulgaria. It's a very beautiful country and I hope I'll be back some day. All the people on the trip were brilliant and it's an experience I'll never forget. I absolutely loved every minute of it. I'm back in the office now, stuck behind my computer screen - how depressing!! I've got a desk by the window so I can at least look at the sky, I just want to fly!! I've well and truly got the flying fever! Thanks to all the guys at Sky Nomads in Sopot, and to Zabdi and Maurice at Flying Fever for everything!

Nicky and Zabdi cliff soaring.


  • At 1:13 PM, Blogger Stephanie said…

    awesome pic!
    What an incredible experience that must be!


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