Neil's Paragliding Blog

Hi. This is my paragliding blog. I'm using it primarily to record the details of my flights and keep an online record of my training and experiences. Hope you don't find it too boring, I'll try and upload some nice pictures whenever I can to make it seem a bit more interesting.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Last day in Sopot - first flight with speed bar

This is our last day of flying in Sopot, so everyone was up bright and early to go get some flying done. Luckily the shit flying conditions we had yesterday have passed away and we woke up to clear blue skies as an area of high pressure descended on Sopot.
We went up the chair lift and there was a nice southerly wind. So take off was no problem. I flew out from the mountain and there was some nice lift, I tried to catch a couple of thermals, and the first one I gained height and was about 200m above the take off site. Then I kind of lost some height and decided to head over to the landing field and do my exercise with the speed bar.

The speed bar is a bar at your feet which is connected by a line to the front risers, when you push the speed bar out it pulls the front risers down slightly and it decreases your angle of attack. Basically it means that you fly about 5mph faster than normally. But it has to be used cautiously as it will make the wing more unstable, so we only use it when we've got decent height. It was really easy to use and I did notice the groundspeed increase. After I had done that I flew to the small landing site and did a nice box landing with no assistance. Total flight time was about 25 minutes. A great first flight of the final day in Sopot.

The early sky promised a day of the gods!

Me losing height before landing.

Nice gentle landing!


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