Neil's Paragliding Blog

Hi. This is my paragliding blog. I'm using it primarily to record the details of my flights and keep an online record of my training and experiences. Hope you don't find it too boring, I'll try and upload some nice pictures whenever I can to make it seem a bit more interesting.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Last flight over Sopot

After lunch we got a lift back to the chairlift as the weather was still good enough to get one last flight in. Zabdi told us she was very proud of us and that this would be a free flight and she'd only butt in on the radio if we were doing something stupid. The time was about 4.30 so a lot of the thermals had died right down as it wasn't so hot. But there was still a southerly wind, so we quickly took off before the northerly wind took over. I took off from the mountain and there was a fair bit of lift I thermalled for a bit and gained some height. I flew off to the west and joined up with a couple of students in the air it was great fun, i was waving and shouting as we flew by each other, very cool. I even took some in flight footage, it's a bit wobbly though. Then once I'd lost to much height I decided to go and land in the larger landing site as the smaller landing site was a bit congested. There was a gentle east wind so I did figure of eights down wind then came into land. I managed the entire flight with no radio assistance and it was very enjoyable. Total flight time was 30 mins. What a great last day in Sopot! Tonight we are leaving to drive to Varna, where we'll hopefully get a day of ridge soaring done and where we can practice some top landings. We're leaving at midnight and driving for 5 hours - to avoid having to pay full price for a hotel there!

Me and my trusty Ozone Atom, taken by another student in the air!

That's me on the right!

We landed just in time, as cattle invaded the landing field shortly after we landed.

Laiz coming into land, is she or isn't she going to hit the tractor?!


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