Neil's Paragliding Blog

Hi. This is my paragliding blog. I'm using it primarily to record the details of my flights and keep an online record of my training and experiences. Hope you don't find it too boring, I'll try and upload some nice pictures whenever I can to make it seem a bit more interesting.

Monday, June 26, 2006

1st solo flights on training hill.

We had to wait until late afternoon before we could go to the training hill, as it is too hot. I got in 2 wee flights, probably no more than about 60 feet, lasting no more than a minute. We did a fair bit of ground handling at the top of the hill also. It's all about being in complete control of the glider before attempting to take off. Take offs and landings are the most important parts of paragliding and where there is highest risk. My first take off was perfect, zabdi said i got a gold star. However when i was coming into land i got a bit cocky and tried to turn after i had landed and gently lower the glider to the ground, but because i made a really small turn just before i landed, when i twisted the glider carried on travelling to the right and ended up tangled in some bushes. Zabdi took back my gold star.
My second take off from the same spot had slightly more of a crosswind, so when i pulled the glider up it veered off slightly to the right, but i managed to recover well by moving under the side that was falling. Gold star re-awarded. My landing this time was better too and i manged to avoid landing the glider on jaggy bushes.
I found a usb port on this pc, so i should be able upload some pictures when i get some free time.


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