Neil's Paragliding Blog

Hi. This is my paragliding blog. I'm using it primarily to record the details of my flights and keep an online record of my training and experiences. Hope you don't find it too boring, I'll try and upload some nice pictures whenever I can to make it seem a bit more interesting.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Another tandem done

This afternoon we went back up the chair lift to get a proper flight done. I was going to do a solo flight but was feeling knackered from the training hill, and being out in the sun too much. So i decided to take the safe option and go with christo for a tandem flight. when we got to the top there was a northerly wind blowing on this south facing slope, ie a tail wind. we hung about for about an hour at the top waiting for the wind to die down, i even had a quick kip!

When the tail wind was slow enough we decided to go for it. it's never a good idea to take off with a tail wind unless you run like hell, so we ran like hell! managed to take off and hit some rotor straight away which made things a bit bumpy. it was too late in the day for thermals and the air was sinking, combine that with the tail wind meant that we got some serious ground speed and managed to reach the bottom within a couple of minutes. the landing was very gentle as we managed to turn back into wind for our approach.

Christo said that was the quickest he's every gone down the moutain without using acro. It sure beat getting the chairlift back down, which is what the others had to do (hehe).


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