Neil's Paragliding Blog

Hi. This is my paragliding blog. I'm using it primarily to record the details of my flights and keep an online record of my training and experiences. Hope you don't find it too boring, I'll try and upload some nice pictures whenever I can to make it seem a bit more interesting.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Small landing field

We got up early this morning and headed over to the chairlift, now ok after being struck by lightning. The conditions were good up top, there was a gentle head wind coming from the south. I managed to take off first time relatively smoothly, it makes such a difference when there is a nice headwind. I flew out from the mountain to give myself some distance from the hills then tried doing some 360 turns then did some pendulum moves, that is turning one way then another to make the glider rock from side to side. At first I was too gentle on the brakes when turning so it didn't really work, but I managed to get a bit of a rhythm going and I managed swing from side to side quite nicely. I was supposed to do some 'big ears', which involves pulling one of the risers down on each side to make the wing tips tuck slightly. This is used to help get a faster descent rate, but by the time I had finished doing the pendulums it was time to approach the landing field. We were landing in the smaller landing field by the base of the chair lift. There was a southern wind so I flew to the east of the landing site and did some 360s to lose height. We had been instructed to do a 'box' landing, which involves losing height to the side of the landing field, then turning to fly downwind, then doing a 90 degree turn to fly cross wind then finally do another 90 degree turn to fly into the wind for the final approach. I managed the first couple of bits fine, but instead of flying cross wind I did more of a 180 degree turn and made my final approach too early. Because of this I over flew the landing site. I managed to get down ok but I was at the very end of the field and when I landed the glider flew over my head and came down on top of a small tree, very embarrassing! It took a good 20 mins to gently remove the glider from the tree and it involve a good bit of team work from all the guys. The reason the glider flew over my head was because I didn't flare the brakes hard enough when I landed to make the glider stall and fall down behind me. Oh well, nothing damaged apart from my pride! Maurice then had to spend 20 minutes checking all the glider's lines and cells for any damage, which I felt bad about because it was 37 degrees in the sun!! My confidence was shaken a little but I thought the best thing to overcome it was to get back up there and do another flight. So I did. Total flight time was about 20 minutes.


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